Robert De Niro's mole

I looked out my bedroom window. There he was. Robert De Niro was waiting, talking Italian. He was not talking to anyone else, he simply stood there, talking Italian. "''Forza la medici de la padre de la mole''" he repeated, over and over. I crept down the stairs on all four, I was too frightened to walk. Drool was left on every other step.
As I got to my two feet, I saw Robert De Niro's silhouette through the thick glass of the door at the end of the hallway. I walked towards the door, licked my fingers, and slowly turned the doorknob. The door flung open, and light filled the room. As I adjusted my eyesight, Robert De Niro was standing in a superman pose, naked. His massive, wrinkly old cock slowly waving in the summer breeze. It was dead silent.
Robert De Niro looked at me. "''Forza la medici de la padre''... " He squinted his eyes and gave me a smirk. "''You talkin' to me''?" Pointing at his mole he repeated "''You talkin' to me''?" I stood there with my mouth open, gazing upon his mole, like a black hole sucking me in. "FORZA LA MEDICI DE LA PADRE DE LA MOOOOLE!!!" he screamed as he started to masturbate vigorously. I started running backwards, falling over from the shock. He ran after me, still jacking off, jumping around screaming.
I tried turning away, but I could not get my eyes off that mole, he was coming closer now. He took a 360 spin, and appeared right in front of my face. His breath smelt of garlic and bacon. "''The mole is yours to keep now''." He took his mole off with his index finger and began pointing his finger towards my face. His finger came closer and closer as I finally blacked out.
The next I knew I woke up in bed. It had all been a dream. I looked out my bedroom window, there was no Robert De Niro. Relieved I went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. Only, I had no teeth. My face had turned into a giant hyper realistic mole.